Thursday, August 22, 2013

As a faithful fan of Les Miserables...

        This is a great novel, a novel about an era and how a great nation seeking their future, together with the contemplation on human destiny. I was deeply moved while reading it.
        Also, the musical based on this novel is prominent. The screenwriters have a deep understanding of what Victor Hugo wanted to express, thus they give an appropriate interpretation of this masterpiece. 
The musical 'Les Miserables' has been on show through  Europe to Broadway, until spreads worldwide in the form of film this year. Among all the versions I have seen, I love the 25th anniversary concert one most. Here's a link of it:
       Of cause, other versions all have their own reasons for praise, such as stage performance in the 10th anniversary concert version,  the circumstance and background of the whole story in the 2012 film, and the humanisation of religious elements in a former film. All of them are listed below.
                                                   The 10th Anniversary Concert Version
                                                                       The 2012 Film
             Former film version by Liam Neeson, Geoffrey Rush, Uma Thurman & Christopher A.
        There are still many other adaptations from this great novel that waiting for you to enjoy. For me, my next goal is to go to Broadway to watch live performance of Les Miserables. Hope more people can  feel the beauty of Les Miserables.



  1. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…

  2. In my eyes, Les Miserables, Thaïs and A Tale of Two Cities are all about salvation, but narrated from different dimensions. Even in the darkness, there still shines the light of humanity, that's the best thing I know. Thank you.
